Automatic Donations for United Employees

Did you know that United Airlines Employees can make regular and automatic charitable contributions to any or all of these memorial funds through the United Employee Giving?    Your donations are automatically deducted from each paycheck and gifted to your selected charities in your name.  Setting the automatic gift is easy and giving just buck in memory of our fallen brothers makes a difference. 

To set up this simple way to give click the links below:

Captain Saracini: “9-11 Memorial Garden of Reflection” or also Saracini-O Neill 9-11 Memorial”

Captain Dahl: “The Captain Jason Dahl Scholarship Fund”

First Officer Homer: “The LeRoy W Homer Jr Foundation”

First Officer Horrocks: Search “The West Chester University Foundation” which funds his memorial scholarship.

A note regarding the transition from YourCause to Deed:

United is transitioning from YourCause to a new volunteerism and employee giving site, Deed. All volunteer activity and credit card giving has been moved to Deed. If you have active recurring payroll deductions, YourCause will be processing payroll donations until Nov1st, and those deductions will be transferred to Deed. Employees with active payroll deductions will be alerted of the final processing cycle with YourCause and the official date of transfer to Deed. Final day to make changes to payroll deductions in Deed will be 10/18. To access the new employee giving and volunteerism page visit

Those already giving with recurring payroll donations will see their existing donations automatically transition over!

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